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Best Games to Play on Cam with your Fans


Camming is all about the entertainment of the viewers. People come to your room to get entertained. There is no better way to entertain your viewers than to play fun games with them. Not only will this help in breaking the ice between you and your fans, but will also ensure that you get huge tips. There are a lot of games that you can play to entertain your viewers. Below are some of the games that you can play with your viewers, however you can always be creative and play the games that you think your audience will like.

Before you start with the games, it is always recommended that you plan out everything well in advance. For instance, if you are going to play the games the whole week, you need to plan what game you will plan to play on which day, what prizes will you give and how will you manage the whole play. This planning will ensure that the whole show is managed properly and there are no hiccups in between. So below are some of the popular games that you can incorporate in your show –

1. Raffle game

A raffle game is a fun way to engage your audience and also have playful interactions with them at the same time. The concept of this game is pretty simple and it is best to play the game live on cam. To start with this game you will just need a bowl in which you will keep the chits of paper. However, it is really important that you choose the prizes for the game extremely carefully and there should many small prizes and only one grand prize. The prizes that you want to give completely depend on you. However, it goes without saying that every time someday tips he will get a prize. Some prize options are – Skype shows, videos, pictures, Snapchat access, used panties, autographed photos, etc.

2. Mad Lib

Mad Lib is a fun game that will make your audience laugh. All you have to do is make a story and the audience will be required to fill in the blanks in the story with suitable adjectives, noun, etc. For this game to start, a viewer would need to make a tip in order to get a chance of filling a blank. This game would not get you many big tips but surely will increase your followers as the people love to laugh and have fun.

woman under pink tree blowing chewing gum

3. Sex Dice

For this game to begin, viewers are required to ask you to roll the device, which they can do by tipping the pre-set token amount. The rules of this game are self-explanatory. The dice will help you to decide the actions that you are required for your audience. No, it is totally up to you whatever you choose to do for your audience. However, make sure that the actions that you choose are the ones that don’t need another person to be with you and you can do on your own. Even if you choose the actions for touching, you can touch yourself and make the session heated. Here, you can also experiment with ice and whipped cream.

4. 21 card game

This game can get a little competitive as in this game the viewers are supposed to play against you, the dealer. The aim of this game is to get 21 or as close to as possible. All the players of this game have two cards. The dealer goes to each player and the players need to decide if they want another card or not. This continues, and the one having 21 wins.

The above are some of the games that you can play to keep the conversations going. Moreover, you should not forget to create a buzz around the show so that people would want to come for the show.

In the words of webcam girl Peppy Paige

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