Submit your (non-nude) content and win £200 cash
WebcamLiving is starting to grow as a resource for models and webcam professionals so we want your help and we want you to win for the piece of content you submit that gets the most views every month (30 days).
You can submit a written article (at least 350 words with images) or a video or (better) both that think it’s useful or entertaining to the people who like us like webcam shows. Post it on your channels with a link to or #WebCamLiving
The post with the most views every 30 days will receive £200 in cash. You better share it on all your social media or even with your WhatsApp.
The content needs to be 100% original and unpublished or it won’t be live on our site and therefore it will be automatically excluded from the contest.

How to submit content
Simply send your content via email with images as attachments and videos as links. The email is Editor(at) click here for the email address
Examples of type of content
- Your story as a webcam model (couple, single group)
- Your tips for a better cam show
- Your dirtiest sexy story
- Your sexual fantasy/
ies - Why you love
web cams - Your favourite camming websites and why
- Tools and tricks
- Your funniest show or sexual